Technology has come a long way especially in the health care field. These advancements allow us to better diagnose and treat ocular conditions. Here are the machines that we currently have at eyeDoc Optometry.

Technology has come a long way especially in the health care field. These advancements allow us to better diagnose and treat ocular conditions. Here are the machines that we currently have at eyeDoc Optometry.

Optical Coherence Topography
This machine allows us to better assess the patient’s ocular health. It can help us detect macular degeneration, macular holes, ocular cancers and many other ailments.
Optic Nerve Head Analysis
This machine is very crucial in monitoring and treating many optic nerve diseases, especially glaucoma.
Rather than telling you what your eye health looks like, why not just show you. This machine captures images of inside the patient’s eyes. These images not only allow for better patient education, but also help us monitor and detect retinal ailments.

Humphrey Visual Field
This machine tests the patient’s central and peripheral vision. Commonly, this test is run for patients that have glaucoma or side effects from certain medications. Furthermore, the HVF can also tell us a lot about your brain!
This instrument is very special and very unique. It can help diagnose and monitor ocular cancers, but it also gives an idea how healthy your eye is internally when we cannot see clearly due to a dense cataract. extensive corneal scarring or a significant bleed within the eye.
Forma Radio Frequency for Dry Eye Treatment
Forma Radio Frequency (RF) is a very safe and effective way to treat and manage dry eye disease. The most common type of dry eye is evaporative dry eye which is caused by meibomian gland dysfunction.
Meibomian glands are located on the eyelid margins which produce and secrete meibum (oil). The meibum helps prevent our natural tears from evaporating. RF heats these glands to 40-42 degrees Celsius which “melts” the solidified and backed up meibum allowing the eyelids to produce fresh meibum. This will help achieve a healthier tear film and help you overcome dry eye symptoms. This treatment may also decrease your dependency on artificial tears or any other dry eye drops you may be taking.
Cosmetically, RF promotes collagen synthesis and strengthening. This helps with skin tightening which reduces the wrinkles, bags, and crow’s feet around the eyes making you feel and look younger! The treatment is non-invasive and feels like a warm gentle ocular massage.
Please contact the office to book your consultation.

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